A big thank you

Unsung Heroes
A big thank you to all front line workers around the world as well as the individuals who have helped to promote this message of thanks.
Tony, HorizonVu Music, www.horizonvumusic.com
Martin, @mart_turner (Instagram)
Paul Turner
Nick Doyne-Ditmas
Max, @maxdbenjamin (Instagram) linktr.ee/maxdbenjamin
Elvis, @kwesieofficial (Instagram)
David and Serena, callender11@hotmail.com
Holly, @itshollyhaines (Instagram), www.itshollyhaines.com
Andrew, @Chalibrann (Instagram)
Halil and Kistijan
For more information and/or press email Rachel@htmusic.co.uk @htmusic18 (Instagram)

God bless x


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